$399.00 USD

Girls Mentorship Fall Boot Camp

October 7th - October 9th

You're about to enroll your daughter in an extraordinary journey that goes far beyond the traditional camp experience. At Girls Mentorship we believe in nurturing not just hobbies, but the whole person. Here's what makes us different:

  • Deep Connections: Our camp isn't just about having fun (though there's plenty of that, too!). It's about forming lasting friendships and learning to navigate the social world with confidence and grace.
  • Leadership & Social Skills: Through carefully crafted activities, a proven curriculum, opportunities for individual as well as group work & inspiring speakers, we provide a nurturing space for developing leadership qualities, social skills, and the ability to make meaningful connections outside of the usual circles.
  • Emotional & Social Growth: At the heart of Girls Mentorship is our commitment to fostering self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness. Our program is designed to empower girls to understand themselves and those around them deeply.
  • Integrity & Personal Responsibility: Every aspect of our camp—from activities to guest speakers—is intentionally chosen to reinforce values like integrity, empathy, and personal responsibility.

By choosing Girls Mentorship you're giving your daughter a unique opportunity to grow in ways that will benefit her for a lifetime. Ready to take the next step? Secure her place in this life-enhancing experience.

Camp will be held at The Rancho Solano Upper Campus located in Scottsdale.

What People Are Saying:

It is I that should be thanking you all. I can not express how great this camp was for Taylor. The spark it put back in her has been so good to see. These past few years have been rough and the skills she learned at camp and the energy that she was surrounded with has been truly transformative. Thank you for the work that you are doing with these young women!!

Gabrielle M.

Reese had so much fun in your camp last year and can't wait for what's in store this year! She comes home excited, confident and full of stories.

Geneva R.

Ladies, I referred one of our good friends to you and she is at camp with you this week. According to her you are crushing it. I asked the mom, "Does she like it?" Her response: "10,000% she likes it" Thank you for all you are doing for our girls. I am so lucky to know you!

Heather D.