Turning Grief Into Purpose with Kelly Kussman

Episode #64

In This Episode, We Chat About:

How Kelly has turned loss and a near death experience into purpose.

Why it’s so important (for you and others) that you share your story.

How we all find purpose in the valleys we walk through!


Resources + Links:


Follow Kelly on Instagram | @caylagrayco


Check out all the amazing Cayla Gray scents https://caylagray.com/


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Girls Mentorship | @girlsmentorship

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Show Notes:

You know those scents that take you right back to a memory or season of your life? Like the perfume you wore on repeat in middle school that whisks you right back to that time in your life when you smell it? One of our very favorite people, who happens to make our very favorite clean scented candles and perfumes is joining us in this very episode! Kelly Kussman is the Founder of Cayla Gray (this scent company we can’t get enough of) and she is here to share how a near death experience losing her babies due to an ectopic pregnancy has taught her about moving forward with grief and turning that pain into purpose. Grief is something we all experience and heal from in different ways, and Kelly so beautifully shares what she has learned through navigating her own grief. From honoring her babies, to creating a business with the mission to savor the special everyday moments in life, Kelly reminds us all in this episode how precious each day is and how worthy it is of celebrating! Tune in to the end, because we may have also gotten some exclusive details on one of her incredible scents!!


02:00 Meet one of our favorite people and Founder of Cayla Gray, Kelly Kussman!

05:40 What two takeaways would you hope our listeners gain from this episode.

07:00 How is your company tied to savoring the special and everyday moments of life?

11:15 Why we ALL need to take time to celebrate wins big and small.

13:00 Has it always been easy to soak in the everyday moments in your day?

15:20 How have your experiences losing your babies given you purpose in your business?

18:00 The inspiration and meaning behind the name Cayla Gray.

20:00 The impact that you can make in others lives, and your own when you share YOUR story!

24:30 How do you move forward with grief?

28:15 Ways we all experience and heal from grief individually.

31:00 The special way Kelly honors and remembers her babies every year.

35:30 Where can we connect with you?