Body Image, Social Media, and Signs of Disordered Eating, with Dr. Morgan Francis

Episode #33

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Signs of disordered eating and how to support your teen.
  • How social media is affecting your teens mental health and self image.
  • The exercise to make social media a more neutral and empowering space.
  • Ways to communicate and have open conversations with your teen.

Resources + Links:


Follow Dr. Morgan Francis on Instagram | @drmorganfrancis


Get mindful text messages from Dr. Morgan Francis | Text 480-605-1768


Learn more about Dr. Morgan Francis’s services on her website

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Girls Mentorship | @girlsmentorship

Jill Petersen | @jillphxsen

Mary Frances | @msmaryfran


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Show Notes:

We have a Therapist in the house! Our favorite Therapist in fact! In this episode, we’re joined by our friend, wife, mom, entrepreneur, and of course therapist, Dr. Morgan Francis! She is known for her work with body image, and has built her practice and social media to empower women and girls to love their bodies. It’s about treating yourself with the body respect you are so worthy of!. As a mom, Dr. Francis is sharing ways she is modeling positive self image, and has open communication about mental health, pornography, and social media. This conversation is full of such valuable insight into what teens are struggling with and how we can help raise more empowered and informed kids. From knowing the signs of disordered eating, to unique ways to encourage communication, we hope you walk away from this episode more aware of your own needs and how to support your incredible girls too!


05:00 What did your journey look like to become a Therapist?

08:20 Negative body image

13:15 Is there a common thread you see in the clients that you work with?

15:00 What are we really experiencing when we feel numb?

20:40 How do you identify disordered eating before they get sick?

24:20 Ways to model healthy body image and positive self talk to your children.

26:40 How social media is impacting young girls and teen’s body image.

29:30 Ways to spark more communication with your teen.

33:15 Having conversations and preparing your kids for when they come across pornography.

41:00 Benefits of social media and all we can learn from it.