Practicing personal responsibility is MAIN CHARACTER energy!

Episode #24

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How radical responsibility will empower you.
  • Ways to improve your communication with your daughter.
  • The importance of teaching skills and communicating expectations.


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Girls Mentorship | @girlsmentorship

Jill Petersen | @jillphxsen

Mary Frances | @msmaryfran

Show Notes:

Want to experience freedom and feel empowered in your life? Do you want your daughter to feel empowered to go after the things she feels called to in her life? It ALL starts with personal responsibility! In this episode, we are sharing ways that taking radical responsibility for your life will open doors for better communication, and teaching your girls how they can build confidence and self-belief by watching YOU! Taking personal responsibility is saying “I’m not going to let my life unfold by chance.” “I’m not going to blame my circumstances on others and be a victim in my own life.” You get to decide what you create in your life. Taking personal responsibility is main character energy and we’re here for it!


02:50 My introduction to personal development and opening up to intentional growth.

07:00 How can I break free of victim-mentality and going through the motions?

11:30 Who are you pointing the blame on?

13:00 How we as parents can have difficult conversations with our girls.

15:40 How can we expect our girls to have skills that we aren’t modeling and teaching at home?

18:20 Ways to improve your communication with your daughter.

21:00 Ask yourself, have you taught your child what you are expecting of them? Or did you just expect them to know how to do it on their own?