What's the Ripple Effect of Having These Conversations at an Earlier Age?

Episode #18

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Why we are focusing on Self-esteem for our current workshop.
  • The power of taking messy action and trying after failure.
  • How you can support your girls develop great communication skills!


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Girls Mentorship | @girlsmentorship

Jill Petersen | @jillphxsen

Mary Frances | @msmaryfran

Show Notes:

What was your self-esteem like when you were 8 to 12 years old? It’s such a pivotal time and the reason we’re putting our heart and soul into helping teen and tween girls is because we wish we had more tools and support in navigating life at that time! We’re about to begin our self-esteem workshop with 14 incredible girls and can’t wait to dive in head first! In this episode, we’re sharing the benefits of bringing girls together like this who DON’T know each other (yet!) and giving them a community to learn some incredible self-esteem skills with! Tune in to hear some messages we are hearing from parents of our workshop participants, and what we have coming next!


03:30 Taking messy action and making an impact. 

06:15 Launching a workshop after “failures”.

10:00 Messages we are hearing from the parents of our girls!

14:20 How can we help our girls develop great communication skills?

16:00 What’s coming next?