Loving Yourself Through it All
On today’s episode, we chat with Dr. Mallory Fox about how she went from constantly checking things off a to do list in order to feel good enough to ditching her to do list to focus soley on her mental health. On the surface, it appeared that Mallory had it all but on the inside, she was crippled with anxiety, stress & the fear of losing everything she had worked so hard to create. After a devestating car accident left her unable to simply check things off a list, Mallory had to relearn how to do a lot of things, including love herself through it.
Highlights of this Episode:
[01:14] Welcome to the show!
[05:17] Loving yourself, even when though you're not where you think you should be.
[07:07] Any achievers listening, who knows what it feels like to constantly work in order to simply feel good enough?
[09:55] Thoughts on females being taught to make themselves smaller, figuratively & literally, from a very young age.
[15:25] Putting on a facade can only last so long, have you reached a breaking point yet?
[18:13] Why it's more than okay to "fail"
[24:10] Redefining what healthy looks like
[31:42] Mental health is so much more important than what's on the to do list
[33:30] How a car accident can be viewed as a blessing & a lesson
Connect with us on Instagram:
Dr. Mallory Fox | @drfoxyfit
Girls Mentorship | @girlsmentorship
Jill Petersen | @jillphxsen
Mary Frances | @msmaryfran